Dr. William Walsh's Comprehensive Theory (Explaining the Cause of Bipolar, the Reason For Switching From Mania to Depression & Treatment Implications) Shared at the Society of Neuroscience
This past week, I had the privilege of attending the Advanced Course for Walsh-Trained Practitioners. Over 1,200 practitioners from 75 countries have been trained in the Walsh approach. For those unfamiliar, the Walsh Research Institute, founded by Dr. William Walsh, has analyzed the nutrient levels of more than 30,000 individuals experiencing brain-related symptoms. Their findings reveal a surprisingly small set of recurring nutrient imbalances—such as low zinc, elevated copper, high pyrroles, and methylation irregularities—that frequently appear. Addressing these imbalances has led to significant, and sometimes dramatic, improvements in individuals suffering from depression, anxiety, panic, obsessions, compulsions, inattention, brain fog, hyperactivity, autism, dementia, psychosis, and mood swings. However, bipolar disorder presents a unique challenge due to its alternating neurotransmitter states between mania and depression. More than nine million Americans are currently diagnosed with bipolar disorder, a serious condition often associated with substance abuse, financial or legal difficulties, strained relationships, instability at work or school, and an increased risk of suicide attempts or suicide. The course of the illness typically begins with an acute onset, progressing to recurrent episodes of mania and depression that often worsen in severity over time. In this post, I will describe bipolar disorder and use Dr. Walsh’s Comprehensive Theory of Bipolar Disorder—recently presented at the Society for Neuroscience—to explain:
By Courtney Snyder, MD
A Conversation About High Copper, Low Zinc, Pyrrole Disorder & Methylation Imbalances - Symptoms, Traits, Testing & Treatment I recently had the pleasure of joining Annika Taylor, a holistic health practitioner, on the Nourished By Nature: Mind Body Wellness Podcast. After sharing my journey into holistic psychiatry and defining what it means, Annika and I explored the following topics:
We also discussed a recent finding by Dr. Walsh that undermethylation is on the rise in the population, while overmethylation appears to be decreasing. Related Resources: Annika Taylor - nourishedbynature.com Walsh Research Institute For links to specific topics address see links in the description above.
In this video and podcast episode, I dive into pyrrole disorder, a common nutrient imbalance linked to various brain-related conditions affecting both adults and children. Elevated levels of Hydroxyhemopyrrolin-2-one (HPL) in the urine, often referred to as “pyrroles,” have been connected to conditions such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, autism, ADHD, learning disorders, substance use disorders, and even violent behavior.
In this discussion, I cover:
This episode is essential for understanding the role pyrrole disorder plays in mental health and how addressing it can lead to significant improvements in well-being. Related Resources
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Medical Disclaimer: This newsletter is for educational purposes and not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment for either yourself or others, including but not limited to patients that you are treating (if you are a practitioner). Consult your own physician for any medical issues that you may be having.
By Courtney Snyder, MD
How Viewing Schizophrenia as a Single Condition Limits the Development and Recognition of Effective Treatments. “If things are not so good, you maybe want to imagine something better." John Forbes Nash, Jr. Many know John Nash, Jr. as the brilliant mathematician portrayed by Russell Crowe in the movie "A Beautiful Mind." While the film doesn’t stay true to Nash’s real story, it does effectively depict his descent into psychosis and severe chronic mental illness.
Schizophrenia affects 1 in 300 people, or about 24 million people worldwide (2.6 million in the U.S.), and remains the most treatment-resistant psychiatric condition.
In this newsletter, using Nash's story as a reference, I will discuss:
Most people with schizophrenia are not brilliant mathematicians or Nobel Laureates; many are homeless. I reference Nash's story because it is widely known and because he likely had the most common form of schizophrenia--undermethylation (shared by 70% of those with this condition). Here are my 10 insights on schizophrenia.
By Courtney Snyder, MD
This comment was in response to my 2015 blog post, "Copper Overload: Too Much of a Good Thing”: “I am a primary care physician in Dublin and I attended the Dr Walsh course in Sydney in 2006. I learned a great deal there and I use his work almost every day. High copper in women is very common in Ireland and it is quite easy to bring it down after the first month of treatment. I have been to courses all over the world from Harvard to Cambridge but the course in Australia was the most useful of them all. Every week I utterly change the life of some people and it is a real privilege to have that opportunity.” He effectively articulates what many of us Walsh-trained physicians experience.
In the previous newsletter, I explored copper overload, its causes, symptoms, and the situations where I suspect high copper levels. These include postpartum depression, ADHD, panic, anger, rage, agitation, hormonally related mood changes or anxiety, autism spectrum disorder, paranoid schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson's disease.
By Courtney Snyder, MD
10 Situations to Consider Copper...Tantrums/Rage, ADHD, Postpartum Depression, Panic & More I'm always eager to share insights on high copper levels, both from what I’ve learned from Dr. William Walsh, PhD, and from my own clinical experience. Copper overload is a common contributor to brain-related symptoms. It's relatively easy to treat, and addressing it can significantly improve a person's quality of life, as well as the lives of those around them. I've previously discussed copper overload in a blog post and podcast episode, this newsletter will focus on the conditions or situations where I often suspect high copper levels. Since copper overload rarely occurs in isolation, I’ll also explore how it interacts with other underlying root causes, such as low zinc, pyrrole disorder, and even mold toxicity.
By Courtney Snyder, MD
Approximately 70% of individuals with a mental health condition have a methylation imbalance, with the majority being undermethylated rather than overmethylated.
For those unfamiliar with methylation, it is a crucial biochemical process in which a methyl group is added to specific molecules. This process significantly affects gene expression, detoxification capabilities, and susceptibility to inflammation. When methylation is out of balance, it can contribute to a range of chronic health problems, including cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disorders, cancer, and various psychiatric conditions.
Undermethylation is particularly prevalent among those with mental health conditions. Here's a breakdown of the incidence of undermethylation in different groups:
Undermethylation is the most common biochemical imbalance found in individuals with depression, highlighting its significance in mental health.
Additional Resources
Nutrient Power - Heal Your Biochemistry and Heal Your Brain by William Walsh, PhD Walsh Research Institute - Walsh trained practioners Lunch with Dr. William Walsh - His Story, Discoveries & the Future of Nutrient-Based Psychiatry Epigenetics, Methylation, MTHFR & the Brain, Made Easy...er Undermethylation & Strengthening the Right Brain in a Left Brain World By Courtney Snyder, MD
Half of my work day is spent honing in on details. For each person I evaluate and treat, I’m considering multiple symptoms, lab data, contributing factors, and treatment interventions. Left unchecked, this amount of detail hurts my brain - figuratively and literally. This type of work might be considered “left brain“ and appealing to someone who is “undermethylated,” which I am. The other half of my work day is involved with addressing how, from a spiritual perspective, we:
By spiritual, I mean our inner life. My writing and teaching about the intersection between neuroplasticity and spirituality is essentially about how we exercise those parts of the brain that relate to that inner work. Instead of honing in on details, this is about pulling back and looking at the bigger picture of our lives and our humanity. This right brain work feels good. Lunch with Dr. William Walsh - His Story, Discoveries & the Future of Nutrient-Based Psychiatry7/1/2016
Courtney Snyder, MD
I first met Dr. Walsh in the fall of 2014, at his second physician training course here in the US. At the time, I was uncertain how useful nutrients would be in my psychiatric practice. What I learned seemed too good to be true. Upon returning home, I gradually began evaluating and treating specific nutrient imbalances in adults and children with depression, ADHD, anxiety, bipolar disorder, autism and other conditions. To my repeated surprise, most patients - children and adults alike improved… significantly - some dramatically, including those whose symptoms had failed to respond to other treatments.
Courtney Snyder, MD
We’re not necessarily the same animal we once were. And, in many respects, especially when it comes to food, we’re increasingly different from one another. Describing a particular food (or nutrient) as “good” for you, depends on who “you” are. Due to our varied experiences, exposures (ie. to antibiotics, toxins, etc.) and genetics, we’re not all the same. The latest superfood may benefit some, but it may make others ill. Our complicated relationship with food can’t be discussed without considering inflammation, oxidative stress and epigenetics - the three exploding areas of medical research.
By Courtney Snyder, MD
Historically we've considered mental health and illness as coming from either one's life experiences or coming from one's genetics or biology. We've mistakenly considered the the brain separate from the rest of the body. We are more interconnected than those outdated views suggest. Our physical health impacts our brain health. Likewise, we experience emotions (fear, anger, sadness, and joy) not only in our brains, but in our bodies. Emotions influence our brain's biochemistry, and our biochemistry impacts our emotions, bodies and how we experience our lives. PYRROLE DISORDER A perfect example of this is Pyrrole Disorder - an inborn error of pyrrole chemistry. Those who are affected make an excessive amount of this metabolite. Pyrroles themselves are not a problem and do not cause disease. We all have them. They do however, bind Vitamin B6 and Zinc. When pyrroles leave the body (through urine), they take some B6 and zinc with them. This is not a problem either. The problem comes when pyrroles are being overproduced for genetic reasons or because of physical or emotional stress. This can lead to severe B6 and zinc deficiencies.
Courtney Snyder, MD
Before I delve at length into the amazing process of methylation and its impact on personality and mental health, I'll lay some groundwork. For those who don't need or want such background, I've tried to make it easy for you to hit the highlights or jump ahead to your own starting point.
Courtney Snyder, MD
Psychiatric medications are a good thing ...for a lot of people....at least at this time in the history of medicine. They save lives and alleviate suffering and pain. Courtney Snyder, MD
Who knew...copper, the essential trace element important in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, respiration, immune function, energy metabolism and growth, could wreak so much havoc on the mind and body? I never gave much thought to copper until it presented itself to me in the most delightful way...a dream of a copper tiled ceiling - the most memorable dream I've had. Copper ... "associated with the goddess Aphrodite/Venus in mythology and alchemy, ...symbolic of love, balance, feminine beauty and artistic creativity." So taken with this dream, I painted a mantel copper. We eventually moved and left that copper mantel and dream behind. Ten years later copper resurfaced at the Walsh Research Institute where Dr. William Walsh was teaching about copper overload - one of the most common biochemical imbalances found in brain related disorders. "In most persons, blood copper levels are kept in a narrow range through the action of metallothionein, ceruloplasmin, as well as other proteins. Unfortunately, many persons have a genetic inability to regulate copper levels and a serious copper overload can result." - William Walsh, PhD.
Courtney Snyder, MD
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” ― Lao Tzu I don't recall that step...maybe it was when I first asked for help for my daughter.... or maybe, when I decided to stop asking - when I realized that conventional medicine did not have the answers for us. Either way, my experience into illness and healing forced me to let go of many assumptions and expectations I had about the world, about life and about myself. My hope in starting this blog is to share what I've learned so someone else won't have to search as I have these past ten years. Though at times frustrating - the seeming snail's pace of such a pursuit - there are many who will never look beyond what is in front of them, many who will never cross paths with those who might point them in unexpected directions and many who when given leads, will never pursue them. If you are reading this, perhaps you too are a seeker. |
Courtney Snyder, MDFor anyone experiencing brain symptoms. This blog (and weekly newsletter) is your guide to demystifying root causes and learning about surprising paths to healing. From a holistic - functional adult and child psychiatrist dedicated to helping people heal and thrive. Categories
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