In this video post, I discuss pyrrole disorder - one of the most common nutrient imbalances in brain-related conditions affecting adults and children. Elevated Hydroxyhemopyrrolin-2-one (HPL) in the urine, often referred to as “pyrroles,” has been associated with depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, autism, ADHD, learning disorders, substance use disorders, and violent behavior.
In the post, I address:
By Courtney Snyder, MD
Whether it's an older child with frequent tantrums or an adult who easily loses their temper, I view angry outbursts as a symptom pointing to deeper root causes. While external triggers may play a role, an individual’s inability to regulate emotions often indicates an underlying biochemical or inflammatory issue. In this newsletter, I'll explore:
By Courtney Snyder, MD
I'm always eager to share insights on high copper levels, both from what I’ve learned from Dr. William Walsh, PhD, and from my own clinical experience. Copper overload is a common contributor to brain-related symptoms. It's relatively easy to treat, and addressing it can significantly improve a person's quality of life, as well as the lives of those around them. I've previously discussed copper overload in a blog post and podcast episode, this newsletter will focus on the conditions or situations where I often suspect high copper levels. Since copper overload rarely occurs in isolation, I’ll also explore how it interacts with other underlying root causes, such as low zinc, pyrrole disorder, and even mold toxicity.
By Courtney Snyder, MD
This post goes out to those who are unknowingly deep in the throes of mast cell activation and/or brain inflammation. Though our culture is only starting to consider psychiatric conditions as inflammation of the brain, if you or someone you know has panic attacks, depression, mood swings, ADHD, brain fog, chronic fatigue, PTSD, autism, cognitive issues or even dementia, then you know the destruction neuroinflammation plays in people’s lives. By Courtney Snyder, MD
Half of my work day is spent honing in on details. For each person I evaluate and treat, I’m considering multiple symptoms, lab data, contributing factors, and treatment interventions. Left unchecked, this amount of detail hurts my brain - figuratively and literally. This type of work might be considered “left brain“ and appealing to someone who is “undermethylated,” which I am. The other half of my work day is involved with addressing how, from a spiritual perspective, we:
By spiritual, I mean our inner life. My writing and teaching about the intersection between neuroplasticity and spirituality is essentially about how we exercise those parts of the brain that relate to that inner work. Instead of honing in on details, this is about pulling back and looking at the bigger picture of our lives and our humanity. This right brain work feels good. By Courtney Snyder
One of the challenges of writing blog posts that explore root causes of brain related symptoms is that what we are learning is constantly evolving. There's so much we still and will never know. Another challenge - everything is interconnected. The best I can do is to write about these root causes separately. While some contributing factors can occur in parallel, one condition is often leading to other downstream conditions that themselves contribute to things like depressed mood, anxiety, mood swings, brain fog/inattention and so forth. Mold toxicity is a perfect example. It can contribute to Pyrrole Disorder due the stress it puts on the body. It can lead to elevated copper by overwhelming one of the antioxidants in the body that regulates copper. Because it interferes with the immune system, it can lead to a susceptibility to candida/yeast, Lyme and its co-infections. It also frequently worsens mast cell activation (see last post). I consider it a root of the roots. In my daily work, I find mold toxicity to be very common. Here’s why - Lunch with Dr. William Walsh - His Story, Discoveries & the Future of Nutrient-Based Psychiatry7/1/2016
Courtney Snyder, MD
I first met Dr. Walsh in the fall of 2014, at his second physician training course here in the US. At the time, I was uncertain how useful nutrients would be in my psychiatric practice. What I learned seemed too good to be true. Upon returning home, I gradually began evaluating and treating specific nutrient imbalances in adults and children with depression, ADHD, anxiety, bipolar disorder, autism and other conditions. To my repeated surprise, most patients - children and adults alike improved… significantly - some dramatically, including those whose symptoms had failed to respond to other treatments.
Courtney Snyder, MD
Psychiatric medications are a good thing ...for a lot of least at this time in the history of medicine. They save lives and alleviate suffering and pain. Courtney Snyder, MD
Who knew...copper, the essential trace element important in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, respiration, immune function, energy metabolism and growth, could wreak so much havoc on the mind and body? I never gave much thought to copper until it presented itself to me in the most delightful way...a dream of a copper tiled ceiling - the most memorable dream I've had. Copper ... "associated with the goddess Aphrodite/Venus in mythology and alchemy, ...symbolic of love, balance, feminine beauty and artistic creativity." So taken with this dream, I painted a mantel copper. We eventually moved and left that copper mantel and dream behind. Ten years later copper resurfaced at the Walsh Research Institute where Dr. William Walsh was teaching about copper overload - one of the most common biochemical imbalances found in brain related disorders. "In most persons, blood copper levels are kept in a narrow range through the action of metallothionein, ceruloplasmin, as well as other proteins. Unfortunately, many persons have a genetic inability to regulate copper levels and a serious copper overload can result." - William Walsh, PhD. |
Courtney Snyder, MDFor anyone experiencing brain symptoms. This blog (and weekly newsletter) is your guide to demystifying root causes and learning about surprising paths to healing. From a holistic - functional adult and child psychiatrist dedicated to helping people heal and thrive. Categories
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