Undermethylation, High Activity at the NMDA Receptor, Glutamate, "Weak Memory Extinction," Walsh Research Institute, PANS & PANDAS, Candida, Mold & Other Biotoxins, Histamine, Estrogen
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a severe mental health condition characterized by persistent intrusive thoughts and compulsive, repetitive behaviors that can be highly time-consuming. It affects approximately 80 million people globally, including 2-4% of the U.S. population—or about 1 in 100 individuals. The impact of OCD is profound, not only for those experiencing it firsthand but also for their loved ones. Beyond the distress caused by obsessive thoughts and compulsions, individuals often grapple with feelings of shame and significant loss—loss of meaningful or enjoyable thoughts and activities, as well as valuable time that could be spent connecting with others or engaging in fulfilling pursuits.
Dr. William Walsh's Comprehensive Theory (Explaining the Cause of Bipolar, the Reason For Switching From Mania to Depression & Treatment Implications) Shared at the Society of Neuroscience
This past week, I had the privilege of attending the Advanced Course for Walsh-Trained Practitioners. Over 1,200 practitioners from 75 countries have been trained in the Walsh approach. For those unfamiliar, the Walsh Research Institute, founded by Dr. William Walsh, has analyzed the nutrient levels of more than 30,000 individuals experiencing brain-related symptoms. Their findings reveal a surprisingly small set of recurring nutrient imbalances—such as low zinc, elevated copper, high pyrroles, and methylation irregularities—that frequently appear. Addressing these imbalances has led to significant, and sometimes dramatic, improvements in individuals suffering from depression, anxiety, panic, obsessions, compulsions, inattention, brain fog, hyperactivity, autism, dementia, psychosis, and mood swings. However, bipolar disorder presents a unique challenge due to its alternating neurotransmitter states between mania and depression. More than nine million Americans are currently diagnosed with bipolar disorder, a serious condition often associated with substance abuse, financial or legal difficulties, strained relationships, instability at work or school, and an increased risk of suicide attempts or suicide. The course of the illness typically begins with an acute onset, progressing to recurrent episodes of mania and depression that often worsen in severity over time. In this post, I will describe bipolar disorder and use Dr. Walsh’s Comprehensive Theory of Bipolar Disorder—recently presented at the Society for Neuroscience—to explain:
Attachment, Microbiome, Undermethylation, Low Zinc, Oxidative Stress, Mold Toxicity, Mast Cell Activation, RCCX Theory, Upper Cervical Instability, Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity, Left & Right Brain
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” ― Lao Tzu In this episode, I share my personal journey through illness and healing and how it has influenced my approach as a holistic psychiatrist. My hope for everyone listening is that your pursuit of health, happiness, or whatever it is you’re seeking brings you to a place of peace—and inspires a desire to support others on their own journeys.
The Body Horror Movie "The Substance," Left & Right Brain Perspectives on Appearance, Undermethylation, NMDA receptor, Research on the Impact of Beauty Filters & Mental Health , Beyond the Nightmare
In this newsletter, using the story from the movie, ¨The Substance¨ I discuss likely factors contributing to the main character´s and our culture´s obsession with beauty and youth. I´ll discuss the role of:
Lastly, I discuss what I would hope to see in a sequel of this movie.
Wisdom from a 19-year-old, Leonard Cohen & Buddha. Physiologic Changes & the Elusive "Self." The Changing Selves of Those We Love. The Right Brain's Hope For Us All.
Recently, I was talking with my 19-year-old daughter about the cognitive changes we’ve observed in a family member experiencing memory loss. I mentioned how it can feel like a long goodbye, as they seem less and less like themself. Even as I said it, the words didn’t entirely resonate. She immediately replied, “When are we ever ourselves? It seems like we’re always changing.” Her thoughtful response, which felt much closer to the truth, has had me reflecting all week on the elusive nature of the “self.”
How Symptoms Such as Tantrums, Shyness, Oppositional Behavior, Severe Carb Craving, Perfectionism, Tics, Compulsions and Drunken Like Behavior Can Point to Specific Biochemical Imbalances
This newsletter was originally shared with paid subscribers in May 2024. In previous newsletters, I’ve explored the common underlying factors—or “roots”—that contribute to brain-related symptoms. Each root comes with its own set of symptoms and characteristics. Because children’s brains and bodies are still developing, and they lack the same degree of hormonal influences as adults, their symptoms and related psychiatric diagnoses often differ. For instance, inattention, hyperactivity, and an ADHD diagnosis can arise from various underlying imbalances. While I’ll address these common imbalances individually, it’s important to note that multiple factors can coexist. Below, I outline the most frequent imbalances I encounter in my work. It’s worth mentioning that teenagers’ symptoms tend to align more closely with those seen in adults. Each of these topics is linked to a more in-depth description if needed.
Food sensitivities can be present and result in a range of symptoms; however, one or more imbalances are also usually present and underlying the food sensitivities.
While Staying Calm & Carrying On
In the previous newsletter, I explored sources of toxins and their effects on brain health and development. This time, I want to focus on practical strategies for reducing exposure. Notice I say reduce—because it’s impossible to eliminate exposure entirely. Accepting this can be a relief, especially for those prone to perfectionism. If you’re just beginning this journey, feel proud of starting. There’s no need to dwell on what you haven’t done yet—after all, negative thinking isn’t exactly detox-friendly. For me, lowering toxin exposure has been a gradual, step-by-step process. Early on, I made a conscious effort to avoid overwhelm and not attempt everything at once. While I’ve studied many of the most researched toxins and their health impacts, I focus primarily on actionable steps to limit exposure. This lets me live life without becoming preoccupied with the risks. Some of the most extensively studied toxins (as of my latest review) include:
Additionally, electromagnetic fields (EMFs), while not classified as toxins, function as toxicants with similar effects on the body and brain. I’ve previously shared tips for assessing and minimizing EMF exposure as well. Reducing exposure is about progress, not perfection. Let’s focus on what we can do to safeguard our health without letting fear take over.
And, Why the Brain is a Good Barometer of "Oxidative Stress."
I recently came across a funny reel showing a man navigating his day while we hear his inner thoughts. He tries to prepare a healthy snack but keeps getting interrupted by his inner voice pointing out potential toxin exposures – from the packaging to the water to the fruit’s skin. In the end, he gives up and settles for a bag of chips. Is it possible to reduce our exposure to toxins (and support detoxification) without becoming consumed by fear? I believe it is. We can approach this serious topic with balance, doing our best while accepting that perfection isn’t realistic. Rachel Carson captured this sentiment well in her book Silent Spring (1962): “If we are going to live so intimately with these chemicals, eating and drinking them, taking them into the very marrow of our bones – we had better know something about their nature and their power.” In this post, I want to explore the nature and impact of the chemicals and heavy metals we encounter. Specifically, I’ll cover:
Why Resistance Training & Other Muscle Building Activities Are Good For The Brain & The Prevention of Dementia.
Likely you’ve heard about the importance of muscle strengthening in the prevention of bone health. What is less known, however, is the relationship between the health of our muscles and the health of our brain. In this newsletter, I’ll address:
Engaging in gratitude allows us to rewire our minds to perceive our days, surroundings, and lives through a transformed lens.
“If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, ‘thank you,’ that would suffice. - Meister Eckhart In recent years, the mental health benefits of gratitude practices have gained significant attention. But, there are also a couple lesser known forms of gratitude that I’d like to share with you. In this article, I’ll cover:
How Our Microbiome Influences Our Brain Development, Sense of Well-Being, Mood, Cognition, Stress Tolerance, Social Engagement, Aging Process & Conditions Such as ADHD, Autism & Alzheimer's.
Our gut microbiome forms a dynamic ecosystem of trillions of microbes, including bacteria, viruses, archaea, and fungi, in thousands of species—many of which have existed long before humans. While research into the microbiome has gained traction only in the past twenty years, our ancestors recognized the connection between digestion and emotions, mood, and behavior. Historical practices like fecal transplants date back to Ancient Greece and 4th century China. By the 18th century, the concept of the gut-brain axis was already recognized, and in the 19th century, physicians acknowledged the influence of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract on mental well-being. However, the 20th century saw a regression in this understanding, with scientists asserting that it was the mind affecting the gut instead. It wasn't until the 21st century that we reconciled these views, acknowledging that both can be true. The brain impacts the gut through the autonomic nervous system, while the gut influences the brain through its microbial inhabitants. So, how exactly does the gut microbiome affect the brain beyond its role in nutrient absorption? This influence is largely through three primary mechanisms.
The healthiest relationships will be between people who honor this in themselves and in each other.
How I see it: We enter and exit this world with the companionship of our souls. During our time here, one of our purposes is to sustain a connection to our inner wisdom that nurtures and guides us through a world that can, at times, feel cold and unforgiving. Our soul doesn’t judge, fix, or demand anything from us. It doesn’t require us to be better or achieve more. Its love is unwavering, like a loyal dog who simply wants us to pause, be fully present, and see ourselves as it does. The challenge lies in the neural pathways we form from societal conditioning that undermines this essential relationship with ourselves. Instead, we can learn to project our strengths, and even our shadows, onto others. We can then become disillusioned when they fail to meet our expectations. Neglecting this crucial relationship with ourselves can lead to superficial or intense relationships fraught with drama. We can end up unconsciously resenting others for our own sense of disconnection. This can drive addiction, various symptoms, or even chronic health conditions. Instead of romantic comedies about finding a soulmate and living happily ever after, we need more narratives of people finding peace within themselves. “I complete me.” The most fulfilling relationships happen between individuals who cherish this inner connection in both themselves and others. Below is a blessing I often include in birthday cards for loved ones. This week, I share it with myself—and with you—in celebration of your own arrival.
The "Seat of the Soul," Our "Dreaming Neurotransmitter, Melatonin Synthesis, Relationship Between Cortisol & Melatonin, Brain Waves & Sleep Cycles.
There is a wealth of information about sleep. In this newsletter, I'll highlight aspects I find especially interesting and significant.
In a future newsletter, I will delve into tools and techniques for optimizing sleep.
Nutrients, Diet, Environmental Toxins, Accessing the Vagus, Epigenetics, Complex Illness, Mold Toxicity, Lyme & Preventing & Reversing Alzheimer's
After sharing my favorite books for engaging the right brain last year, I thought I’d now share some for stimulating the left brain. Anyone familiar with functional medicine knows the vast landscape of information—some empowering, some daunting, some helpful, and some even alarming. Yet, feeling inundated or fearful isn’t conducive to healing and well-being. Just as pairing protein with carbs helps to stabilize blood sugar levels, balancing left-brain reading with right-brain material can be beneficial. Otherwise, we risk becoming overly focused on the minutiae of healing, which can increase stress and diminish the bigger picture of our lives. The books listed below are designed for those seeking insights for themselves or loved ones, as well as for clinicians aiming to better serve their patients. Each book has helpful information, practical tools, and well-founded hope.
Art teaches us to trust the process, roll with uncertainty, know that the answers will present themselves when we’re not looking so hard.
This past weekend, someone asked if I’d read Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert. With my life feeling a bit stagnant, I took it as a sign from the universe. As I dive into the book, I’m reminded how crucial creativity was in my own healing journey. Exploring the creative process awakened my then dormant right brain, providing both the spark and the fuel when I felt depleted. Through collage and writing, creativity connected me to life's mystery and taught me not only to navigate uncertainty but to embrace it. Like any mental process, if we don't use it—and its neuronal pathways—we lose it. This post, shared from a year ago, is for anyone, like me, who might need a creative nudge or boost…
Passive & Active "Bottom Up" Approaches to Relax, Improve Mood, Focus & Sleep, Decrease Pain & Muscle Tightness, Improve Social Communication, Lower Inflammation & More
The vagus nerve is truly remarkable. It helps us relax, focus, engage socially, and maintain a positive mood. By countering the body’s stress response, it lowers inflammation and communicates with key organs in the digestive, respiratory, and cardiovascular systems. The vagus nerve also plays a crucial role in social interactions, unconsciously assessing the safety of others. Ever feel uncertain about someone you just met, without knowing why? That’s your vagus nerve—your "sixth sense"—sending signals your conscious mind might miss. The best part? We can actively support our vagus nerve. If you’re dealing with stress, mood issues, trouble focusing, sleep problems, or chronic pain, you can tap into the power of the vagus. This also applies to psychiatric conditions, headaches, autoimmune diseases, heart and lung issues, digestive problems, and even cancer. In last week's paid newsletter, I covered how to recognize vagus nerve dysfunction and why it might not be functioning optimally. In this edition, I’ll explore ways to stimulate and "exercise" the vagus nerve, offering immediate calming effects and long-term resilience. Regular practice can raise stress tolerance and help us recover from stress more quickly.
The Relationship Between Sex Hormones & Mental Health Conditions, COMT, MAOA, High Copper, NMDA, RCCX Theory, 21-Hydroxylase & Why Our Personalities May Change Over Our Lifetime
In previous newsletters, I’ve explored many root causes of brain-related symptoms, none of which operate separately from our hormones. In this edition, I’ll focus on the influence of key sex hormones—estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone—on neurotransmitters. I’ll also examine how hormonal fluctuations throughout our lives affect our mental health and personality. Although hormonal experiences vary widely, there are notable patterns among individuals born female and those born male. The relationship between hormones and neurotransmitters is highly complex, so I’ll be simplifying some aspects for clarity. To begin, I’ll provide a brief overview of the role specific neurotransmitters play, which you can reference as needed.
Amygdala, RCCX Theory, CAPS Profile & 'Wired For Danger," Neuroplasticity, MCAS, EHS, CFS, POTS, CIRS, Mold Toxicity, Limbic System Retraining Programs For Adults & Children
Our limbic system, often referred to as the "lizard brain," plays a critical role in keeping us safe. However, when it’s overactive, it can make us feel perpetually unsafe. In a previous discussion, I explored how the autonomic nervous system (ANS) triggers fight, flight or shutdown responses when we sense danger. Although the ANS operates mainly outside the brain, it communicates closely with the limbic system. In this newsletter, I’ll cover:
Substance & Behavioral Addictions Beyond Dopamine and the "Addictive Personality," the Role of Methylation, Attachment, Trauma, Social Isolation & Problems Regulating Emotions
“Addiction” - a compulsive, chronic, physiological, or psychological need for a habit-forming substance, behavior, or activity having harmful physical, psychological, or social effects and typically causing well-defined symptoms (such as anxiety, irritability, tremors, or nausea) upon withdrawal or abstinence.” : a compulsive, chronic, physiological or psychological need for a habit-forming substance, behavior, or activity having harmful physical, psychological, or social effects and typically causing well-defined symptoms (such as anxiety, irritability, tremors, or nausea) upon withdrawal or abstinence
Addictions like other health conditions, is multifactorial, emerging from a combination of underlying root causes. In this newsletter, I’ll explore:
The impact of attachment disruption, trauma, emotional dysregulation, social isolation and methylation on addictive behavior
Data, Contributing Factors, Undermethylation, When Strengths Relate to Vulnerabilities, Self Reliance, a Medical Culture That Keeps Physicians From Seeking Help & What Can Be Done
It’s easy to overlook that medical professionals are vulnerable to stress, burnout, and both physical and mental health issues. Despite the expectation that they remain well, physicians experience higher rates of depression, and the rate of physician suicide is twice that of the general population. In this newsletter, I’ll explore how biochemical and environmental factors play a role in both the strengths and vulnerabilities of doctors. While the focus is on physicians, much of what I’ll discuss also applies to other medical professionals and caregivers.
Key topics include:
Courtney Snyder, MDFor anyone experiencing brain symptoms. This blog (and weekly newsletter) is your guide to demystifying root causes and learning about surprising paths to healing. From a holistic - functional adult and child psychiatrist dedicated to helping people heal and thrive. Categories
January 2025
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